Monday, November 14, 2011

Collaborate Anywhere


The amazing thing about the mobility of computers and iPads etc is the ability to stop and have a meeting anywhere anytime. An example – today I was on my way to my room when our Latin teacher came up to me to show how the students were using their iPads to video a skit, place that video into Keynote and assemble slides and multiple videos to then show to the class. The issue was how could they share the videos so that they could embed others videos into their own Keynote presentation. We were looking at emailing them to themselves then opening in dropbox etc. We ended up videoing on the iPad, editing in iMovie, sending it to the camera roll then uploading to dropbox where any student could download the movie to import into their Keynote presentation – ALL on the iad!
SO – On the spot once we had solved the problem, the teacher videotaped me walking through the steps so that we would not forget it, then we uploaded that video to youtube to view.

Video below (you tube link is

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